On a chilly evening in November 2016, while we were watching TV (somewhere in the Doctor Who episodes with Jon Pertwee as The Doctor), Jason taught me how to crochet. A lot of people are surprised when they hear that my boyfriend taught me to crochet, thinking that crochet is more of a female hobby, but Jason enjoys all different types of crafty projects.

Within a month of learning, I made hats for myself and my family. Everyone said, “You’re really good at this! You should sell these!” I continued trying new projects for about a year, making gifts for birthday and holidays, learning new methods and techniques as I went.
In January 2018 we decided to try setting up a shop page on Facebook. We didn’t have any items for sale, but we posted pictures of things we had made, and people could send us messages asking us to make things for them.
I still wasn’t totally sure if my work was good enough for people to want to buy anything I made. I used to joke that I could open an Etsy shop called “The Crappy Crocheter.” But I know that Jason’s level of craftsmanship would do well, at least, because of projects he had done previously (like his Beauty and the Beast-inspired rose project). But right away, requests and orders started coming in for me to crochet different things for people, and so far everyone seems to be happy customers! I had never really thought of myself as a crafter, although I always enjoy making things.
Thank you for reading and following along with our crafty journey!
~Crafty Reba