2021 Temperature Blanket: Finished!

Happy New Year! I finished my temperature blanket on New Years Day.

The temperature blanket ended up being a bit different than I had originally planned, but I am really happy with how it came out. It’s the perfect size for snuggling up in to watch a movie, instead of being too huge to really do much with. This happened because I accidentally wasn’t turning the rows correctly during the straight part, but I didn’t realize it until much too late. (I could have unraveled the entire summer’s worth of work, but definitely didn’t want to do that!) So from October on, I did only a few squares each day instead of 20 (decreasing down from 3/day to 1/day towards the end of the year). Overall I’m happy with how it came out, and I think I like it better this way than I would have if I had done it correctly!

Probably my favorite part of making the blanket wasn’t even the crocheting, it was actually recording the daily high temperatures to figure out which colors to use. I set up a spreadsheet to track them, with a formula to show me the average temperature. I was surprised to learn the average temperature where I live was 59.8 degrees Fahrenheit. I hope to live somewhere warmer someday! But I guess then I wouldn’t need the blanket.

1 thought on “2021 Temperature Blanket: Finished!

  1. :

    Love the blanket. It’s a beauty !! 🐓

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