Category: Ramblings

Crochet John Travolta

A couple weeks ago, a fellow crocheter friend reached out to ask me a very interesting question: someone needed a crochet doll of John Travolta’s character from the ’70s movie Grease made in just 2 weeks. Was I up for taking on this project? The really interesting part: it was a gift for a baby!…

Special Penguin

This summer, my Dad passed away after his second battle with mantle cell lymphoma. We were very close, good friends as well as being father and daughter. I miss him every day, and it still takes my breath away sometimes when I am startled to remember that he is gone. My parents got married when…

Crafty Christmas

This year because we had so much more time than we are normally used to having to ourselves around the holidays (due to not being able to visit anyone because of the pandemic), we were able to make a lot more crafty gifts without feeling at all stressed about having time to finish everything. I…

Mask-making date

Last night Crafty Jason and I had a unique kind of date–making a homemade face mask! Where we live in Massachusetts, face masks will be mandatory to wear when in public starting this week due to the coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic, and while we have respirators that we normally wear for crafty projects like welding and dusty…

Summer beach memories

Whenever we visit a beach in the summer, I try to remember to collect sea shells that have washed up on the shore to save as reminders of our trip. For years I let them collect in the various plastic bags, empty water bottles, and other makeshift holders, since I never remember to bring anything…

Thank you USPS!

Last month I had a huge shipping scare when I mailed a beautiful triangle shawl across the country from Massachusetts all the way to Arizona. I try to use the US Postal Service unless a customer specifically asks to use UPS or FedEx. My grandfather was a postal worker, and I want to support the…

Welcome Ravelry users!

I’ve been using Ravelry as a first go-to stop whenever I want to look for a new pattern to try, or inspiration for starting my own pattern, or different ways to solve a problem when I’m making my own pattern. I joined the site just a couple of weeks after I learned to crochet, back…

Site makeover

Last year when we set up, we used a pretty basic web hosting service and template just to get some material up there to see if it generated any new business or traffic. Most of our business still comes from our Facebook page and last year from a partnership with a table at our…


While I love the beautiful foliage in the fall in New England, where we live, I dread how cold it gets. Even when it is in the 50s, it’s way too chilly for me. I start bundling up in sweats in September. But, it’s a fun season with apple picking, fall craft festivals, and Halloween!…

Over the past couple of months, Jason and I have been working on our first collaborative project: a fly bonnet for the horse my daughter rides in weekly riding lessons at a local ranch. We noticed at a lesson in the spring that the flies were really bothering the horse, Shiloh. She was shaking her…